I've been doing a one hour hard Cardio work out ever other day and... I've been getting really light headed, a couple of weeks ago I stayed in bed all day 'cause it was so bad.
when I checked my BP 106 over 57... I cut my meds in half... three days ago I stopped taking them altogether...today 130 over 78...
who knew I was so out of shape, one would think it would show up in shape. and who knew that exercise worked so fast
This pic? No way. Charming.
You annoying boyz. George hardly ever eats, too. He has about three pieces of pasta for dinner, and calls it a night. Hmmph.
I don't know, James...you still seem pretty fit. Although in order to be sure, I should really take another look at the nude-james-camping-swimming section of my photo archives, which includes the one you posted...one of my favorites, actually, because of the glint of indian summer sunlight off of your chiseled buttocks.
Anyway...back to my original thought, I am guessing that you are the kind of person who will remain the same weight the rest of your life, regardless of what you eat, or forget to eat.
see mark that is the problem I wasn't. in fact i was so out of shape that the doctors would not let me out of the hospital until my bp was under control, premature death was likely. I was on the max dosage of my meds. at first they had me on two different ones in order to get enough drugs in me.
I had no idea you were that sick; when was this? Eeek.
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