For years I've wanted to go to Burning Man, my plans to go never work out. But an ongoing theme in my life is that everything I want to do happens. Usually without me making overt plans, it's more like the situation is imposed on me, yes, what I want is imposed on me.
A couple of weeks ago Nathalie told me that her friend was doing an art instillation at Burning Man and wondered if I wanted to be a part of it. I hymned and hawed for a few emails then agreed to commit to help. I then got an email from Nathalie asking if I would be on the "Platform crew" Next came an email asking me to design a 16 foot tall viewing platform that would hold up to 20 people with a budget of $600. This is what I designed.
So I'm going to Burning Man, my ticket and transportation are being provided and I have a camp to be a part of. All of the hard parts are being done for me. I only have to do the simplest of things, which also happens to be something that I love.
Life is good
So, I've thought of another great song for your installation; it's by far far far the best one yet; an almost completely unknown Marvin Gaye Masterpiece
A Funky Space Reincarnation.
Use your magical powers to get this on on the menu. The groove is uh, words fail. but grooovy.
So...how come I'm not on your bloglist? Huh Huh Huh? I'll put you on mine. Plus, If one has a blog, how does one find the time to read those blogs of others?
hemmed and hawed. I'm older than you, so there.
Plus, I bet I still own more leopard print stuff. Catch the furry leopard hoodie?
ps what happened to the rameumpton?
what is a rameumpton and what will these 20 people be viewing?
is it sortof like rumpelstiltskin, because that story i know?
and for the record, since i don't know what a rameumpton is, i would probably pick ziggurat--or Rumpelstiltskin even though he is not very nice.
Rameumpton is a tower in the Book of Mormon that people stand on and publicly praise God as a form of public piety.
so is that what the 20 people will be doing--or will htey be dancing naked to disco music? because the latter seems like more fun, and more likely given the crowd.
well we can only hope it's the latter most of the time
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
I have several Unicorns that I can sell you
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