I'm in it for the shoes, still
I'm in it for the shoes : a meditation on life, aging, and Sex in the City
I know you're thinking that Amanda, the one that was Annie for a brief
while and...
12 years ago
Don't fear for them, show them how not to fear.
You are good at that.
Why? Because you feel she judged you? Or because she thinks HF doesn't want her to watch TV on Sunday?
On the first count, being six, I would guess it was honest curiosity, not judgment. In which case, I agree with Lu where you could take the opportunity to tell her that you respect her beliefs but don't believe it yourself. Not a bad thing for her to see that good people can hold varying beliefs.
In the second case, I think it's important to actually respect her and her family's beliefs, and not pass judgment. It's never a bad thing for a kid to have less 'screen time'. And learning respect and reverence at age six seems OK too. Her family is not out of line to teach their beliefs to their children. She will be grown one day and be able to choose what she wants for herself- just as you and I have.
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